"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Thursday, March 6, 2025

It's Official

It's Official....I reached my goal of buying 500 pairs of underwear for Maine Needs  by offering Words of Encouragement. With money that just came in I was able to go back to Marden's and buy enough to get me to 500 including 5 extra pairs and get them delivered! 

What now? 

I'm going to slow down a bit and focus on some other things. 

But I'm ALSO going to keep making tags in between things and offer them individually or in kits. I want to continue to use my art as a way for me to purchase things for those in need.

Thank you to everyone who supported my project. I know of few donations that are still coming in the mail....and I will buy more underwear or something else that is desperately needed. It's heartwarming knowing that a simple idea can rally a community.

It was heartwarming when the cards came pouring in for Margie...and equally heartwarming when others supported a cause she would have been proud of.

From the bottom of my joyful heart.....Thank You! 

And it seems fitting that I used a few of my scraps for the last card for the Tiny Pages Art Exchange that I did with Brenda, Becky and Tracie. The last card got a little lost in the shuffle last fall...we all had major life events happening that rolled right into the holidays. 

The theme was patterns...and this last card was one to keep. I do love the pattern created by this mosaic bits of Margie's cards.

I had wondered if the scraps would be useful...and it's official...they are!

You can see all the cards in our Tiny Pages Art Exchange here using this link.

So for now...this last card will be displayed with this 
sweet little photo of Margie that I found in her stash.

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