"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Bright and Beautiful

This made me laugh out loud!  

If I'm going to over think something...it might as well be joy.

Paul and I don't go out at night much...but last evening we attended a delightful concert at his church in Scarborough featuring a local folk/bluegrass band called Darlin' Corey

And we were early enough to take in the sunset at Pine Point Beach before the concert.

Sometimes joy looks like the bright and beautiful colors of a seaside sunset.

And today joy looked like the bright and beautiful new space for Maine Needs. It's huge....and it's impressive. 

This whole middle section is for clothes and all of the shelving and racks were donated from L.L. Bean from their recent remodel. 
And there's another section for homegoods.

And even more spaces and places for so many other things. 

I worked alongside Amanda...and our first task was to finish unpacking children's books.

This is one of the first things people will see when they come in to pick up their bags. They will be encouraged to shop for books for kids they know who might enjoy them.
The Amanda and I unpacked and organized children's coats.  

Then moved onto pajamas and other kids clothes. 

The space is bright and beautiful...and going to be so much more user friendly place to volunteer. Today the space was buzzing with excitement and anticipation of things to come.


  1. All things bright and beautiful,
    all creatures great and small,
    all things wise and wonderful:

    MaryAnn, you celebrate the joy of it all!


    Love that LLBean donated shelves and racks!
    Love those shelves and shelves of children's books!

    1. Perfect song to break into Dotty! And the fact that they are repurposing racks and shelves makes it all the more wise and wonderful. Thanks for celebrating with me!

  2. This new space for Maine Needs is so exciting. It looks like a wonderful organization to give your time to! I thought of you, MaryAnn, when my husband and I went to visit family in Kennebunk last weekend and stopped in at Marden's on the way!

    1. Thanks Judy! And that's fun that you had the Marden's experience. I used to walk in their with a little dread...but now I have the bounce of joy in my step.

  3. Oh my, what a lot of work- but look what has been accomplished! It appears to be a great place for those who need it. Kudos to you and your friend for helping organize this space. And I will take a sunset any time.

    1. Thanks Kathy! It's such an improvement over their last place. So much more is going to be possible here.

      I'll take a sunset anytime too! Feeds the soul.
