"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Woodland Magic

I look forward to the spring woodland flowers every year. I know I'm a broken record on this....but I can't help but celebrate the woodland magic!

All of the woodland flowers are white...but I am interested in getting some pink shooting stars from a gardener friend when they're ready.

I have a few trillium plants that are thriving....and hundreds of starflowers are sprinkled here and there.

And the sasparilla, my favorite, will be blooming soon into little white firecracker balls!

And the Canada mayflowers are just starting to poke through too.

I just learned that this is azure bluet. It's a teeny white flower and there are tufts of it scattered around the yard and a few in the woods.  I think it's absolutely charming!

This starflower and foam flower from my garden ended up on my window sill.

I made progress on the scrappy trees today...the blue sides are done. The other side will be bright Christmas colors along with the black and white.

I've posted the process before...but I'm going to briefly share it again. I trace the tree with a pencil on release paper then overlap and iron on the prefused strips to cover the outline.

The pencil line is easily visible from the back so using my quilting ruler and rotary cutter I cut out the tree just a bit inside the line.

Then all I have to do it peel off the paper and fuse it onto the foam core.     

I'll work on the Christmas side later this evening or tomorrow.

Then I'll finish the stems and bases and I can get these two special orders in the mail! 

I think these trees are a little woodland magic too! 


  1. Wow! Woodland Magic every which way I look : )

    And I am charmed by the scrappy tree process and product. I like the combination of planned precisions and intutitive randomness.

    1. Thanks Dotty! Probably more random than precise....but you sure make it sound intentional! I do love that moment when I set the cutout on the tree background....there's a little moment of magic!
