Just a few connections today...and a whole lot of puzzle joy! Just warning you.
A few days ago I attached this set of roses to the edge of the border there on the left. In that very moment I knew I had to connect this side with the other...making a path across the middle.I know it's a silly little thing that I do...but sometimes the silly little things are just the right things.This morning while I finished my coffee...
Then while I was eating lunch (I always eat breakfast and lunch at the puzzle table...and dinner with Paul.) I saw that I was close to connecting the top to the bottom also. I filled in the yellow daffodils...and saved the pink flowers until after dinner....another ritual at the puzzle table with my very tiny dessert.
I connected with Alyson with our photo exchange....she shared her gutter ice on the left...and I shared my crusty ice lace on the right. I think her bubbly gutter ice montage is just fabulous!
I connected with Tracie...who sent me this bit of love she spied on the sidewalk.
One could argue that there are two hearts here!
Here's to happy connections and silly little things.
Those photo montages are spectacular! Alyson, the energy of yours is similar to that of the cyanotype prints MaryAnn makes : )