"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Looking Up

Don't forget to look up. No matter how difficult things may seem....there might be stars....or something else magical to see. 

This quote seemed timely today.

"reminded again tonight that we're completely surrounded by stars in space no matter how often we just stare at the ground wondering where the magic has gone"
Brian Andreas

As I slept under a huge skylight last night at Dana and Anne's....I felt completely surrounded by stars.

And there was magic as we traveled to and from Deer Isle as we looked up and out...and all around.

Paul and I enjoy traveling along the coast....there are so many interesting cities and towns, amazing vistas, and beautiful bridges. A favorite bridge is the Penobscot Narrows Bridge and Observatory connecting Prospect and Bucksport, Maine.

I took this photo as were just starting across the Bridge yesterday. 

I found this photo online to give you some perspective....that's an observatory there at the top.

And I took this one of the observatory tower today 
as we were passing back over the bridge heading home. 

It reminded me that back in 2013 I was traveling with Patsy and my niece Clarke to Gouldsboro...and we stopped and went up in the tower.

It was amazing! My photos aren't that great...but you get the idea.

I'm not all that fond of heights...but it I'm sure glad we went up.

And speaking of up...and magic...all four blooms on my amaryllis are still fully intact...and full freakishly big and amazing. And the bud on the second stem is starting to split.

I'm tempted to cut this stem and put it in a vase on my dining room table. Then I can more carefully watch and appreciate the progression of the bud on second stem. 

Has anyone done that? Will I shorten...the lifespan of these blooms?  

1 comment:

  1. MaryAnn, thanks for inviting us to look up! Woo hoo!

    Dave and I crossed that bridge by happenstance in 2006 on our return from a vacation at Hiram Blake Camp in Brooksville, Maine. The then-new bridge had been completed but not yet opened to vehicular traffic. Instead, it was open to foot traffic so we walked it from one end to the other and back. Great fun!

    You definitely got the extrovert amaryllis, MaryAnn, while I have the introvert. It's doing many of the same things but in a seriously understated way!
