"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Fresh Snow...

...and huge blooms.

We got 4-5 inches of fresh snow overnight. I got out for a walk in the neighborhood mid morning...but it was windy and cold so I didn't last too long. 

But the sky was blue and clouds were fluffy so still a delight to get out.

The early morning view out my studio window.

I promise there will be a day I don't talk about amaryllis blooms...but not yet. Thanks for being patient. Linda D. clarified that some amaryllis can have more than four blooms on a stem. She had one with six!  How fun is that! Thanks Linda!

My first bloom is wide open today and a second one is close behind. They're huge!

I'm enjoying this raspberry red color...a nice pop of color on a wintry day.


  1. Snowfall on the ground, snowflakes showing off against the raspberry red of your wide open amarylis blossoms! So much beauty every which way.

    Dave cut back our forsythia a few weeks ago, and a gift of that gardening decision is that we brought bare winter sprigs indoors, plopped them in water in a vase with light pouring in through a kitchen window, and today our first tiny yellow blossoms opened. Accordingly, I am welcoming spring's imminence whether or not our local groundhogs agree : )

    1. Yes, beauty is all around us. I absolutely love your forsythia idea...I'm going to do the same. What a gift this time of year!!!
