The Artful Joyful Me Project finished up this week....and despite a few was a good thing for me. It provided a structure for deliberate and mindful coloring, doodling, and painting, and I enjoyed the conversation with some interesting women.
Here is what I learned...or relearned:

Use a light hand with colored pencil and water's better to layer, leave some white and light spaces, always blend starting with the lightest color, keep your pencils sharp, don't push the paint into the paper...let the water work for you, less is more...but sometimes more is better, always make it your own...and try and take 10 minutes a day to put a little color somewhere.

I wasn't especially drawn to some of the images we were assigned to color....but I always followed it up with choosing images from my own coloring books...or my own doodles...and I always played with the images digitally. All of it was fun and worthwhile.
The final week was to color this last image provided by the facilitator. Once we were finished we were encouraged to scan or copy the image and remake it into something else.
Like I mentioned in a previous post....I had the image sitting on my dining room table all week...and I just kept adding and adding...and per usual went a little over the top. It was a good diversion during a "cleaning" week.