"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Friday, December 6, 2024

A Good Laugh

"Here's to seeking out joy in the waiting, beauty in the ordinary, and hope in unexpected places." Morgan Harper Nichols

You're probably getting tired of my puzzle stories...but I have to share a couple more. You can't make this stuff up....and sometimes a good laugh is just what you need. 

I spent a good long while carefully taking apart the Advent puzzle and bagging up the individual puzzles in the pretty little envelopes they came in.

It was all going well....until I found one lone piece sitting on the table. NOOOOO! Which envelope did it go in? I dumped out the last three or four one by one counting the pieces to find the one that had just 49 pieces rather than 50. But before I found it...I accidently scooped up the extra piece and put it in one of the envelopes. NOOOOO! So I had to dump them out again and find the one that had 51. 

Then I had to put that puzzle together to find the extra corner piece and get back to counting the pieces in the other envelopes.

I refused to leave the table until it was resolved....and I finally got there. And I had a good laugh....and amused Paul who was reading in the corner.
Do you remember my last floral puzzle where I was missing a piece at the end? 

After searching everywhere....I said in my post that I remained HOPEFUL! I really was hopeful at the time. But THIS is the week I'm celebrating HOPE. So this is the week that hope would become a reality.


As I was adding some of Margie's gently worn shoes into a bag for donation this morning...I laughed out loud when I found a puzzle piece in one of her shoes. It's THE piece!!!  

It was the last puzzle that Margie put together at her apartment....and as I was taking it apart the piece must have slipped off the board and into her shoe. They were always right there by the table! And maybe she even wore them with the piece inside. And I can't believe the shoes got thrown into a bag...transported to the condo....and the piece never fell out. What are the chances! 

Seeking out joy in the waiting...and hope in unexpected places. Margie would have loved this story....and we would have had a good laugh.  


  1. This is just the BEST, MaryAnn! This is the stuff stories are made of!!! Sweet that these pieces have all fallen so beautifully into place, tying up loose ends, so to speak, as you ready yourselves for tomorrow's memorial service for Margie ❤️

    1. Thanks Dotty! The literal pieces have certainly fallen into place.

  2. You're so right, MaryAnn: you couldn't make this stuff up. Maybe this was one of her last teases of you. You two really loved a good laugh and each other.

    1. Yes...a last tease. Although I really don't think it's the last? She's going to pop up again and again!

  3. Love this story and it did make me chuckle right out loud. Absolutely agree with Dotty's last statement in her comment. I think Margie wants to remind you she'll always be with you.

    1. I'm glad someone else laughed out loud! Yes...I think this second mom will be with me always! Thanks Kathy!

  4. What a missing piece story! And the piece was found before you passed the puzzle along! Amazing. You must feel Margie’s strong presence.

    1. Like I said Cherie....you can't make this stuff up. Yes....I found it before I passed it on and I feel wrapped in Margie today!

  5. I’ll be thinking caring thoughts about you and Margie and the family today. Your puzzle stories show us how hope and joy are always lurking❣️ Peace and blessings today.

    1. Oh how I love that Louise....hope and joy are always lurking! YES!
