"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Sunday, December 22, 2024


It's the 4th Sunday of Advent....leading into the week of LOVE. Love is one of those words that gets used often...and in so many different ways. Let's see where love takes me this week of Christmas.

It was perfect timing for this quote  to float came across my screen this morning. I do think love is part of the the answer to almost every question. 
I'm still having fun wrapping my gifts in the Trader Joe's bags. I made a series of three little pouches today for some small things for Sam. I LOVE that I haven't bought any wrapping paper this year! But I will admit that the last time I went to Trader Joe's I did buy a few extra bags at 5 cents each. 

I stitched around three sides...folded over the top...punched a couple holes and closed them up with string. They're so sturdy so they can be reused! I LOVE that! 

And I weaved a small pouch for a gift for his girlfriend Kelly. I may give you a peak at that tomorrow. 


  1. I love the TJ’s wraps! I’ve been using the Kraft paper that comes in boxes from Amazon and other companies to wrap with. Lots of making Hanukkah stars to decorate them. Also, Hanukkah fabric bags to forgo any wrapping paper. Happy Christmas!

    1. Oh that makes me so happy Kristin! Decorating your Kraft paper wrapping with Hanukkah stars is perfect! Sometimes I think my wrapping might be better than the gift inside...or at least just as fun. Happy Hanukkah to you!

  2. Once again, creativity at it's best. Well done- especially the woven piece.

    1. Thanks Kathy! I'm having as much fun with the wrapping as the gifts themselves. It's the little things...the extra effort that is so enjoyable. Merry Christmas week to you and your family!

  3. Merry Christmas MaryAnn!
    I may not get to reading your blog daily, but I know it is there for me to pop over to when I need a break. It never disappoints. I love your use for the TJ bags. :-) I picked up a couple that I will use later since I did not get a chance to make gift bags.
    Cheers to you and yours!

    1. Thanks for checking in Elle! Life is so full....and it's nice you check when you can. Thank you for the kind words and all the support over the years. Using the bags has been fun...and I have a few for later too! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!
