"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happily Ever After

I don't remember where I saw this....but this quote made me chuckle this morning. And it made me chuckle because I knew it would ring true!

"This New Year's Eve is looking very living roomish."

It's New Year's Eve....the last day of 2024. But it was really just another day. Another day puttering and tending the things that are right in front of me...and another day embracing bits of joy. And much of that joy was right in the living room-ish hanging out...chatting and playing games with Paul. (cribbage, backgammon, and dominoes)

Happy New Year! I'm hopeful for lots of joyful puttering in 2025!

Twila and Hank got a second coat of zinc white paint....and they found a home in my art journal.  I think they'll live happily ever after there. 

There's room along one edge for a quote or some other snippet....but that's another day. And it just dawned on me as I write this that what's going in that spot is "Happily Ever After!"

There's only a hand full of pages to fill in this journal....maybe as I clean up my studio I'll find other things that need a happily ever after home too in 2025.


  1. LOL at the quotation you shared. Our New Year's Eve is looking very family roomish. Couldn't be any better!

    I'm appreciating the page you paired Twila and Hank with. Looks like the table where their elegant wedding gifts are on display.

    1. Nothing better than a family roomish New Year's Eve! Ours spilled into the dining room for dominoes.

      I like the thought of the wedding gift table for Twila and Hank!

      Happy New Year Dotty!

  2. The bridal couple are beautiful with their French knot bouquet and boutonnière but I especially love those cyanotype vases and asemia. Gorgeous composition, MaryAnn. 💙

    1. Thanks Roseanne! I love that too...and want to do more with cyanotype bottles. The floral and leafy prints are perfect for that!

      Happy New Year Roseanne!

  3. The zinc paint did make a difference and allows the picture itself to stand out. Wanted to wish you and your family a happy new year. Even now as I'm typing this- why don't we say that more often? Even just "Happy Year"? Maybe I can start a trend :):):)

    1. I agree! Zinc white has saved a few mishaps for me!

      I love the idea of saying just "Happy Year".....and of you being a trendsetter!

      Happy Year Kathy! Thank you for being here!
