"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Micro-Dosing Hope

Happy December! Today marks the official start of the advent season....and in the liturgical world...it's the week of hope.

Brené Brown had good advice about hope after the election:
"Right now, the thing that is helping the most is micro-dosing hope. I have no access to big hope right now, however, I am asking myself how I can support the people around me? How can I make sure that, in the maelstrom of my emotions, I stay committed to courage, kindness, and caring for others regardless of the choices made by others? Doing the smallest next right thing is hard....but sometimes it's all we've got." 

Micro-dosing hope and doing the smallest next right thing....I think I can do that!

Paul and I enjoy watching the dusky afternoon sky behind the woods during happy hour. We can see it from the couch.

I've always loved the black silhouettes of the trees in the winter....and when the sun is setting it seems so special.

It was especially pretty tonight.


  1. I've returned to Brené's words many times since she posted them : )

    Don't you just love the expanded view at this time of year? I keep exclaiming about how far I can see and being delighted by all the treasures that come into view once the leaves have dropped. So many fun surprises!

    1. I actually think you sent this quote to me a while back. And YES....I love the expanded view....with all the shapes and bird and squirrel nests. I love all the seasons!

  2. It’s funny, really, how the starkness has such beauty. We see the light more clearly. Your beautiful photo captures it perfectly. ♥️

    1. Yes, there is beauty in the starkness. So glad you see that too!

  3. Micro-dosing hope. I can work with that.

    1. So glad you're on board with that Olivia. It seems doable!
