I have been collecting art, craft, and sewing supplies almost my entire life! I've purchased some....been gifted quite a bit...and have stumbled on all the rest.
But once again I have reached a point where I felt like I was being swallowed up by my stuff. The state of things in my studio had become a barrier to how I envision using this fabulous space....and it was time to do something about it. Again.
Today was my first target date. It was the one day of the month to make donations to Ruth's Reusable Resources, an organization that collects school, office, as well as art and craft supplies for teachers. I filled the trunk of our car with supplies I had outgrown which included scrapbook papers and cardstock...beads and buttons....and ribbons and yarn...and well as precious bits and pieces of this and that I'm hoping teachers will find useful. It felt like a wonderful drop in the bucket.
I've been working on this first pass through the studio for several days....
- I want to make more room for the things that I'm actually using and let go of the things I've outgrown or don't see using in the future.
- I want to make room for others to join me in the studio for a class or art play. Currently...even though it's a big room with several zones...it's not set up to accommodate others.
- I want to make room to spread out and work on a big project without having to take over the dining room table....although sometimes that still might happen too.
- But mostly....I want to make room to breath...so the creating I do there can feed my soul.
SPACIOUSNESS has been "my word" for many months. I love hearing about your actions to MAKE ROOM, MaryAnn. It can be highly satisfying to give focused attention to winnowing AND donating your culled treasures.
ReplyDeleteoh! that orange squash and that chicken stew! Magnificent.
Spaciousness.....what a great word. I'm going to ponder that today.
DeleteAnd by saying my "making room" intentions here...maybe it will hold me more accountable. It will take some time...but I hope I can mostly get there.
That stew looks delicious- please consider sharing the recipe.
ReplyDeleteI live in a small 1 bedroom apt in Southern CA. As a quilter I accumulated much fabric, supplies, etc. - actually too much. Fortunately some good friends rescued me and have enabled me to go through what I had to determine what is enough so I can spend time making rather than worrying about all the stuff. This is taking time.
I’m sure you’ve seen the media coverage of the fires in LA. Even at a distance, it was scary. A quilting friend shared about her daughter’s water polo teams and how they were affected. 70% of the boys and 30% of the girls lost their homes. A couple of the mothers contacted my friend’s daughter asking for help in locating work/office clothes. We’ve collected clothes which w/b offered to these parents. For years I said I needed to go through my closet and get rid of the things I no longer wore or needed. Occasionally I’d put something in the thrift store box. After hearing this story, I touched each piece of clothing in my closet. I pulled out lots of wearable clothes, several with tags still on them. A friend whose husband of 65+ years donated several boxes of his clothes. The daughter is having a picnic on Sunday for these parents and they’ll be able to choose some clothes to help them.
I hope I have learned a valuable lesson from these fires. Thank you for not waiting for a crisis - rather donating your surplus now when it can be used.
Thank you so much Mary for this wonderful response. Yes...I am happy to share the recipe...it was pretty good. I will put it at the end of tonight's posts...but here is where I found it: https://www.cookincanuck.com/hearty-chicken-stew-with-butternut-squash-quinoa-recipe/
DeleteThank you for sharing the story about your fabric destashing. Friends can be very helpful that way. Going through my fabric is on my long list of ways to make room. I've already been researching places to donate.
Also, thank you for sharing the story about the the efforts for the polo team. Such a touching story helping those in need. Many of us have too much...and it feels good to share. It makes me want to go through my closet again....I've been taking my things to Maine Needs. Some of the people she get clothes from them have absolutely nothing. That is humbling.
Thanks again for chiming in here!