"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Saturday, January 25, 2025


The problem is.....I keep finding things to distract me....so my studio project is going very slowly. 

This was the end result of one of my distractions today. It turned out much better than I thought it would.

This gelli print is from last summer when I was experimenting with layering techniques from Diana Garrison

It was fine at this stage where I simply outlined some of the layers in white. 

Then I added a little black and it was OKish.....a nice contrast.

But at the time I added a little more loose black outlines and thought I ruined it...so set it aside. 

But it just appeared again....and I thought it would be a good practice piece for another technique  I saw online...I can't remember where. I sliced the sides of one of the leaves and inserted a bird behind. I knocked down the glossy image with a tiny bit of zinc white paint and glued it under and over with matte medium.

I found this little plant cutout in my bird stash...and attached that too. I do like the mix of found....painted....and doodled images.
I found a little spot in my art journal....but it almost blends in a little too much...and maybe should have been featured all on it's own. This leaf print is on simple copy paper...and I glued it in with a light coat of YES Paste and there were absolutely NO wrinkling! Yes to YES Paste....as Dotty commented YESterday!

I love the concept...so I'm certainly going to try this technique again!  

The other side of this little page can be seen here.

I took a trip to the indoor Portland Farmers' Market as another distraction. I was completely smitten with these watermelon radishes I brought home.


The second one was more interesting that the first. 

I sliced some up for my pickled vegetables....and am looking forward to eating some tomorrow.

I was also a little distracted today by this fabulous wooden puzzle designed by Jennifer McGee, the owner of Swallowfield. I wrote about it here last year. 

It's such a pleasure to work on a quality wooden puzzle...and it's hard to leave it alone....even for me.

There were more distractions...and none of them were really a problem at all.


  1. The energy of this post, with its feeling of an evolving story of noticings and intuition being woven together, is a lovely distraction in itself—joyful puttering from start to finish : )

    1. It was certainly one of those joyful puttering days. Just too many things to choose from...and all of it fed my soul. Thanks Dotty!
