"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Tall One

I was hip deep (literally and figuratively) in my upstairs studio project most of the day. I want to share a little bit about that....but that will have to be another day. I'm too tired tonight. 

But in between tasks....I thoroughly enjoyed getting back to the flowers in my puzzle. It's just a delight. The colors are so vibrant and it was fun watching the flowers come to life.

But now it's time to get back to the background orange....and I don't even mind. Partly because I got better at it when I was working on the top....and also because there are just less pieces to choose from. That will make it so much easier. 

Once I fill in what you can see....I will push the puzzle ALL the way to the top of my table I'll be able fit in the last four rows at the bottom. This is a TALL one!


  1. MaryAnn, I'm "back" from my week of Thanksmas with my family. What a BEAUTIFUL puzzle you're working on. I thought of you a few days ago when several of us took on the making of a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle of a London Tube Map. It was more evocative than beautiful—my family lived in London when I was in high school so prompted many a memory for me. We managed to complete the puzzle in a day. I'd thought we might have to do a fair amount of trying 42 pieces before we found the right one, given a fair amount of white background, but it didn't come to that!

    Fun that you've given us a tease regarding your upstairs studio project. Eager to hear about that, but we'll wait : )

    1. Welcome back Dotty! You are such a great role model for unplugging when you have guests or are away! Good for you! I know your Thankmas had to be delayed....and how wonderful that If finally happened.

      Yes...it's a beautiful puzzle....and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I have been on the London Tube and have read a map...and I can't even imagine a puzzle of it. But what wonderful family activity! And doing it in one day is pretty impressive!
