"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Spring Greens...

....and hints of blue.

The baby hackmatack needles are spreading their wings....and I get so tickled every time I visit her. This tree needs a name....so I might call her Bessie after my grandmother.  

Before I cleaned up the dining room table...I used up the leftover paint on Ida's pallet and did a few more gelli prints.  Some might need more layers...but the colors reminded me of both the spring greens and hint of blue in the hackmatack. 

Speaking of greens....

I finished the rainbow marble puzzle this morning. It took me a while...but I loved every minute.  
About 1/2 way through I started searching for where this brown piece went...and I became totally convinced it didn't belong. 

Sure enough.....I got to the end (I thought) and there is was...the only one left. I  don't know how many times I searched the photo and the puzzle looking for where it might land. I just couldn't see it.  

There's no brown in the rainbow.

Lo and behold....it did belong.  Can you see where?

The dark space in this green marble was hidden by the dark brown table underneath.  This has happened to me before...and it happened again....and it made me chuckle.


  1. Your gelli prints are SCRUMPTIOUS and make such exquisite companion pieces for Bessie's emerging color.

    LOL re the puzzling brown puzzle piece!

    1. Thanks Dotty! Nice play on words with the "puzzling" brown piece!
