"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Creative Catch UP

I'm playing a little creative catch up today. I've been preoccupied with gardens, tulips and shadows...but there has been so much more I've wanted to share!

Like this beautiful fused glass piece that Tracie made for her daughter.  

It hangs by Ariel's front door and is an alternative to a hanging flower basket.  I think it's just fabulous! Well done Tracie!

Tracie gave me this delightful little fused piece for my birthday and I'm enjoying it in my kitchen window next to a larger fused piece. Along with a glass mosaic piece from my sister Nancy it makes for a pretty happy window!

And Susan shared these delightful little charms she made with paper tubes, wire and beads.  Aren't they fun! 

I also started a little creative catch up in my studio. I have four projects I need to work on before anything else...and I started all four today! That feels good! 

I have two orders for scrappy trees and I did the hard part today....fusing the striped fabric to the edges of the foam core. They will be very similar to this tree: https://joyfulputtering.blogspot.com/2023/11/indigo-blues.html and are for the same person. Now it's time for the fun part! 


  1. MaryAnn, your post today is a perfect tonic for me! We have been busy with all manner of travel, family, surgery, Mother's Day, birthdays, and a granddaughter visit since the start of May, and now I think I have two weeks of relative routine before the next out-of-routine stuff, and your creativity show-and-tell feels inspiring, calming/energizing, and inviting. Thank you!

    1. So glad this resonated with you Dotty....there IS something calming and energizing about good old show and tell. It's a busy time of year. I love when I have a stretch of "relative routine"...but it seems more and more there's more "out-of-routine" stuff all the time. Maybe that's the new normal and I just have to adjust.
