"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Saturday, March 12, 2022

One Sheet Booklet

"You are what you do, not what you say you'll do." Carl jung

I spent a good chunk of the day working on a draft of a little instruction booklet for a torn paper collage kit. I've been thinking about this for years....so it felt good to be finally "doing" it! 

I used a one sheet method where you do a series of folds, make one cut, and fold it up into a little booklet.  It works well.

There are all kinds of tutorials online....but I couldn't resist sharing this one because I loved the title: "Share Joy With Simple Homemade Books" by Bria Black. 

I found it here: https://tscpl.org/art/share-joy-with-simple-homemade-books

Then I realized that the original instructions are by Paula Beardell Kreig and are found here.

My template took a little figuring because the pages needed to be in a funny order and some of them had to upside down so they would land in the right spot after the folding process. My working Pages document had grid lines to follow.....then I duplicated it and took the lines out.  

It's a work in progress....but it's a start. I'm going to get some feedback on the wording and contents of the kit and in the end I'll have it printed at the copy store so the color is better.  

This little one piece instruction booklet has been in my head for a long time...and it's nice to finally have it in my hands.


  1. MaryAnn ~ this is awesome! I’ve seen these little booklets and made quite a few myself. I’ve mostly seen them called zines. Yours is beautifully done. I can’t wait to see it. Brava!!

    1. Thanks Roseanne! I appreciate the vote of confidence.
