"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Thursday, October 24, 2024

A Sign

Subtitle: All We Need is Love

Happy Birthday to my brother Doug! We had a video chat this morning with all five siblings....and it was wonderful to connect and honor Doug's 74th birthday.

I remember as a kid when I would wish for...or wonder about something....I'd look for a sign that would tell me if my wish would come true. I don't remember anything in particular that I wished for....or a sign that actually helped me out....but I remember that thinking process. 

I don't look for signs anymore....but I do celebrate them when they just appear. I love when they surprise me.....shift my mood....and remind me that there is still joy in the world. One writer calls them glimmers.

Today started off especially tough. Margie was struggling and that was hard. Paul has Covid...so clearly I've been exposed so I couldn't go to see her and help her out. And I needed to be home helping him. We could communicate with Margie by phone...and our boys will be able to go in person....but Covid just makes everything more complicated. We were all a bit distressed.

Then early this afternoon our electricity went out for a while...and I wondered what's next! But then I went out for a walk on what was an especially beautiful fall day and I ran into my neighbor Dan. We often meet up in the street and walk together. We shoot the breeze and share our stories...and it's comforting. 

Today we couldn't walk and chat because I was distancing.....but Dan handed me this perfect heart leaf he found...and it made me cry. They were tears of joy and gratitude for such a beautiful sign from a friend. It was a golden yellow wabi-sabi glimmer....and just what I needed today. 

Everything is going to be OK....and really all we need is love.

Thanks Dan!


  1. from Eliza Osborne's THE DISTANCE BETWEEN:

    Mattie had a dream not long ago
    about a therapist who came to your house
    and did the dishes, cleaned up, did the ironing,
    while you talked.
    A graying, sturdy woman,
    who smelled of lavender soap
    and wore a pin shaped like a turtle on her lapel
    and carried in her purse
    a smooth clean cotton apron.
    The woman folded laundry
    and never missed a word.

    “I’ll just fold the sheets,” the woman said,
    “and you can tell me all about it.”

    Sending hugs to one and all, MaryAnn ❤️❤️❤️

    What a gift of glimmer from your neighbor, Dan. So glad for you.

  2. Oh MaryAnn! Sometimes when it rains, it pours. So sorry this is happening to you all at once. Wishing for health and happiness for you and yours.
