I picked up this one single napkin years ago at Crate and Barrel...or maybe it was Pier One. I loved the colors and texture and knew there would be just the right moment to use it in a project. Yes....I saw it as potential...not something to wipe my hands on.
It's going to be the inspiration for and a textural element in the next fabric piece. I think the scheme is just luscious and goes nicely with the other pieces. I actually think it starting to look like a little collection! Yay!

The panel peels right off and becomes a piece of new fabric....all nice and flat. You can see the fusible glue on the back...all ready to attach to the other layers.
It think this napkin and and the fused stripes are a match made in heaven. Now I just need to figure out the rest.
Love the napkin. We have the same ones. Can't wait to see how you use it!
That's funny...I wonder how many people will recognize it. I'm actually using a big chunk of it.