One of my goals during this week in Maine is to work on a few projects for Margie. I've really enjoyed helping her get settled and her apartment is really coming together nicely...but there are a few things to still tend to.
One of the things I like best about her new home is that it's filled with just the things she loves and that have meaning. She did a great job of letting everything else go.....I admire that!

One of the things she brought with her was a t-shirt she got from her daughter Liz. Margie has never been a t-shirt kind of gal...but this one couldn't have been more fitting (pardon the pun)....and she just couldn't part with it. It was Margie's idea to turn it into a simple art that's what I did.
The center image of children is a tapestry with lots of texture. The Gandhi quote is
"If we are to reach real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children."

I've never been good with a staple I stretched the shirt around a canvas and used pieces of fused fabric to kind of tape/fuse it to the back. It worked like a dream...and kept the back smooth and flat. Staples would have been a nightmare.

It's hanging by Margie's door along with another piece of mine that was left over from my show. Which, by the way, was one of my favorite pieces and goes well with the reinvented t-shirt.
Made good progress on the puzzle...saving the rest for another day.
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