She had given me a bird book when I was visiting....and she chose this little humminbird for a collage.

"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint
Friday, March 31, 2023
Playing With Birds
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Lilacs Somewhere
It was cold and windy today....not all that pleasant to be outside. But March is often like that....and I'm gearing up....because April can be like that too sometimes.
You know the's 5:00 somewhere! line today is there are lilacs somewhere! And that somewhere is Texas. Elaine shared a few spring photos....and her lilac is starting to bloom! How fun!
And look at this amaryllis she planted last fall. I didn't think about the fact that they could go in the ground. I've only known them to be a inside winter thing! But apparently they can in the south! Thanks Elaine for sharing your Texas spring with us!Wednesday, March 29, 2023
This and That
My day was filled with a little of this and a little of that.....and these were my favorite moments.
This sweet little iris and the yellow crocus caught my attention on this frosty hillside.
New signs of spring are popping up every single day.Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Time and Attention
This image came across my social media feed....and it made me smile.
I was drawn to the cheery spring colors and the funky lettering...but mostly I was drawn to the message. I am TOO BLESSED TO BE that's what I'm going with.I have several things in the works that are...and will require my time and attention over the next few weeks....and whatever else I have time for will be just be an added blessing.
But I also believe that you have time for what you make time for.
Patty is heading off on a fabulous family vacation at the end of this week. She wanted to take along her favorite long black wool flannel coat...lightweight...yet warm enough for layering this time of year. But it had a few issues....a worn and tattered hem and little holes here and there from years of love and hungry moths. This morning she asked for my input....hoping I might have an idea how to make some improvements.
A few hours later......the coat had a new hem...and I taught Patty how to needle felt so she could fill in the holes with black wool roving. I did have an idea....and I had the supplies to breath new life into her precious coat. It just needed a little time and attention.
Paul and I are blessed to have friends and family around us....and sometimes they need our help. And I'm grateful we have resources and energy for the things that need our time and attention. We are way too blessed to be stressed about any of it! got to enjoy the long row of crocus she planted in the garden she created for her dear neighbor Pat. Pat is gone....and new neighbors have moved in....but Patty still tends Pat's garden.
We have the time for what we make the time for.
The quote at the top of the page came from Natural Life....the online resource where I get all my colorful headbands. These bands have become a staple in my wardrobe....keeping my whispy and sometimes lifeless hair out of my eyes. As I've gotten older...the less time and attention I give to my hair...the better.
Just before I pushed "publish"....this was the view out the window! I am blessed!
Monday, March 27, 2023
And just like that....the row of icy snow along the front of my condo is gone. The lesson here is take a close look while you might be gone tomorrow.
I'm excited to report that I have ONE little snowdrop in the back garden....and that makes me happy.
And I got two for one in this photo of the holes in ice in the backyard....a heart and if you turn it the other way....there's a little rabbit!
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Broken Record
I know I sound like a broken record at times. You've seen photos just like these before....but I can't help myself. But no two are these are brand new!
Familiar and fascinating things continue to draw me in. I am compelled to look closely....and I'm never disappointed when I do.Much of the backyard is still under a layer of ice and snow....but the front yard is clear except for one small strip under the drip line from the roof runoff. It's where the melting and freezing creates these beautiful little sculptures that I adore.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
If I didn't know it was there....I would have just walked by this clump of crocus in my neighbor's yard.
I actually love blooms at this stage....just before they open. There's just something about a tightly closed bud....and all the goodness that you know is packed inside!Friday, March 24, 2023
There's Always Joy
One of the lines I've used over the years on this blog is there's always joy. No matter how busy.....or overwhelming....or even sad things might feel....if you take the time to pay attention to the little'll always find some joy.
My day wasn't sad....or even was just full. I had hoped to get in the studio....I've been craving a little paint on my hands. But other more important things were a I ended up having exactly the day I needed to have rather than the one I thought I needed. And when I paused this evening to figure out what I was going to write about....the list of things to celebrate was clear.
Emily, my goddaughter, had her baby boy today....and both baby and mom are doing well. That is reason enough to shout for joy!
I had a wonderful Zoom catch up with a friend. We both had a chance to tell our stories....and compare notes on our joys and our struggles. Thanks Roseanne!
All four Christmas cactus blooms are open at the same time....and the pop of color is a delight!Thursday, March 23, 2023
Slow Crawl
"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter." Rachel Carson
Margie pointed out that today is 3-23-23! I know several people who are tuned into number patterns....and this one is pretty cool.
Elaine let me know that Texas is in full spring mode.....the air is warm, the trees have leafed out, and flowers are blooming.
I know it's coming here in Maine....because Janice has some crocus blooming in her yard just a few miles away.I actually don't mind the slow crawl to spring. I enjoy hunting for bits of green....knowing pops of color will follow. I love the changing seasons....and winter to about as wonderful as summer to fall. Nature's awakening after the winter is such a wonder and I'm going to enjoy every slow crawling minute of it. There's no hurry.