Art comes in all of shapes and sizes....and all kinds of media. Yesterday it came in the form of a custom made kitchen island for the condo. Rich, a long time friend of my son Sam, is the artist and I couldn't be happier with his masterpiece.

He made it out of reclaimed oak so the wood has a lot of character. I didn't want it to match the cabinets....I wanted it to compliment them and lighten things up a bit. There's just enough red undertone to work perfectly.
To secure a couple splits in the wood Rich created inlays using little pieces of dark walnut and a little piece of maple giving it a whimsical detail. It actually embraces the concept of wabi-sabi....the "art of imperfection." The Japanese fill cracks in china with gold filler....Rich uses contrasting wood.
I love the attention to the way the shelves wrap around the legs and the dark walnut pegs against the lighter oak.'s a work art and will last the rest of my life and beyond.
I love the sight line into the living ties in with
all the warmer tones I have going on in there.
The shelves will be a handy place for bowls and serving platters and
the extra work surface will be a welcome addition to the kitchen!
Kitchen art at its finest!
Bravo Rich!