....and the Michigan puzzle was done. This was a fun one! Thanks Emily!

I spent some time with friends Amy and Lisle chatting about the new spaces in their house remodeling project. One of the things we talked about is how to work in a permanent puzzle table into their fabulous new family room. I like the way they think!
According to
this article jigsaw puzzles:
1. exercise the left and right sides of your brain at once.
2. improve your short-term memory.
3. improve your visual-spatial reasoning.
4. are a great meditation tool and stress reliever.
5. are a great way to connect with family.
6. are a great for needed alone time.
I got back to my random strip piecing today. I like this color scheme so much that I'm going to turn it into a small art quilt giving me a chance to practice
Maryline's technique before I make a larger multicolored one. I randomly laid out the strips and can see I need more skinny strips and a better balance of lights, darks, and golds. It's so easy to slice somewhere and add in another piece.
I pulled more scraps from my stash in Lexington and will do the same in Portland. I'll start pinning on a board at some point soon so I can stand back and make final decisions.

I'I also started sewing solid scraps to some of my Kaffe stripes. I'm not quite sure where this might go....because I think unless the solids are longer pieces they just look like another stripe.

Here I randomly put all the solids to the center.....and I'm not sure that's any better. I love the colors....and I love the fabric so I know there's a project here.