I love making these texture rich prints on the gel plate and I told Lynn I may actually like making them more than I like doing anything with them. I just need to tap into my inner artist to figure out what I'm going to do with them all....so I've been experimenting.

Now I'm auditioning some possible ways to use this background layer....maybe a quote or some sort of image or design. The blocks are about 5 inches square....and very deep so good for just sitting. There could even be something displayed on the top like stones.
I like the look of this black and white cut-out....just part of the brainstorming and auditioning.
I'm also working on a piece inspired by strip quilting. I'm just winging it....and that doesn't always work in my favor....maybe I'll get lucky and I most certainly will learn some lessons.

It just occurred to me that I could use the strategy from the class and do an underpainting with basic shapes and colors. Hmmmmm....that might have been smart. As I look at this picture I'm not wild about the lavender....nothing a little paint or another layer of paper can't fix.
Once I get the board covered I can add more details using paper, paints, and stencils. It's so easy to cut skinny strips or other shapes....and unlike fabric paper doesn't fray. Although I do try and get it smooth I don't even mind the little bit of wrinkling that happens....I think it adds more texture. So far all of the papers I've used are from sandwich wrap.
I'm back in Lexington now so it will sit for several days and I'll do some auditioning and planning before I continue.