Since round 5 of our 4 x 6 exchange started shortly after I got home from Wisconsin......I decided to do what I'm calling "journey cards."
This first one went to Brenda and most of the images are from Angie's stash...even the buttons came from a little box of sewing notions she gave me. While I was there Becky delivered a care package from Brenda which included some fun art things and there's even a little of the packaging from a lovely art journal she gave me and the cancelled stamp from the 4 x 6 card she sent me that first week. It was all part of my journey. The unique thing about this new friendship with Brenda is that we've never met in person. Someday our paths will cross....I'm sure of it.
When I first had this idea I imagined it as a timeline of sorts...but the card really wasn't big enough to just line up the snippets so it ended up being more of a collage. I made a little timeline thank you card to go along with it which was more of what I had in my head.

The snippets in the timeline are all from my I've said I've got bins and bins of these things. I've been snipping and punching for years....and I save every scrap.
It's kind of addictive.
Becky got her journey card a on Saturday....and again everything is from Angie's stash except a few stickers from Brenda. Becky is a big Wizard of Oz fan so I was excited to find that Angie was too. Although I didn't take a photo....there are several more of the characters on the back.
I also made Becky a crazy little snippet timeline card.
I'm having a lot of fun with these!
Becky is the one who initiated this exchange and connected me with Brenda and I'm grateful for's a good excuse to be creative every week.
This week is the keeper card and I followed the same theme....mostly snippets from Angie. She continues to hold her own and enjoyed the virtual Thanksgiving celebration with LaVonn and Tim and their boys and grandchildren. I'm so grateful Angie is in such good hands.....and enjoying a little more of what life has to offer.
I'm not so sure about my card....but "it is what it is" the card says. I had the free motion foot on my machine so I gave that a whirl....with mixed results. The three fall stickers came from Brenda's care package and the little "Welcome home" at the end is from a letter from Paul waiting for me on the counter when I got home. He's good about that.
I didn't know at the time but the "Today is the Day to Start" quote is especially appropriate because....
I started a new journal project this evening that I'll be sharing at some point. It's a little out of my comfort zone but that where I need to go at the moment. I'm pretty excited about it....especially since the actual journal I'm using is also a hand-me-down from Angie.
One might think I planned that quote on the card with the timing of starting a new project "journey" using one of Angie's journals all while writing about my journal cards from my time in Wisconsin.
I didn't. But is it a coincidence? I think not. My mind is blown!