It's been full speed ahead with packing in Lexington...but over the past several days I've gotten a little sidetracked on one particular packing project.
It was time to take down my printers drawer on Sunday....and I always get a little sentimental when I handle these tiny treasures. Everything has a story. I want to tell you every single one...but I'll practice some restraint and just share a few....for now.
Here's that extra puzzle piece I mentioned a few days ago....sitting on top of Paul's Boy Scout water purification pills.
Paul's dad carved this handsome gentleman.

Paul and I bought this printers drawer with wedding money and we picked up this is a small bar of handmade soap on one of our first adventures....almost 40 years ago. The fabric used to be bright blue.
We often looked for a little momento for the drawer or an ornament for the Christmas tree on our travels. I love when things are gathered over time.
I found this little statue in the garden....and the arrowhead on our family farm.
This wooden ruler belonged to my grandmother.....
...and it has a 1940 calendar on the back.
Is it weird to have saved a wisdom tooth....and my gallstones?
Did I go too far? Too much information?
As I was placing things in a got me thinking. And that's not a good thing when I need to stay focused. But I gave in and pulled everything out of the box and got to work arranging all my treasures.
Lots of stories sitting here on this piece of barn board from my family farm.
I let them all sit for a day....there were plenty of other things to pack.
Then yesterday I got re-sidetracked. I had NO other choice....all the things that could needed to stand tall. And by the way....they're still sitting standing there. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who gets sidetracked.