I'll admit that I've had many moments of "what was I thinking" about this upcoming show. I'm second guessing myself all the time. It's the home stretch now and I should be working on my finishings....but instead why not make something totally new! I had a pile of fused rainbow batiks and a repurposed long skinny frame and decided to put the two together to make a colorful mirror.

I had success fusing fabric onto wood for my Folt Bolt collages....so why not fuse fabric onto a frame. So first thing this morning I cut some strips, gave the frame a light sanding and started fusing. I just wrapped and ironed....it worked well.

Oops....the dark burgundy pattern in the frame was showing through the yellow fabric....so I paused and gave the rest of it a couple coats of gesso primer. I should have done that to start with.
I laid each strip across the frame and ironed it on both sides before I clipped the middle. This kept the sides symmetrical. I wrapped the fabric around to the inside and the back and used the tip of my iron to get into the crevices.
The frame is about 16 x 6 and the opening is about 3 x 12. I think it's going to be called "the whole box of crayons." I'll stop in my favorite frame store this week and have a piece of mirror cut.
Something new...and I think it's kind of fun. The only thing I would have done differently is not have the lines so straight. More curvy cuts would have been more interesting. Maybe there will be another one?