Some days, I simply sit quietly with the things I find beautiful & it is enough." Brian Andreas

One of the things I am reminded of this time of year is that most of my creative energy goes into getting the gardens going.....so there's not much time in the studio. And that's just fine with me. When the work is done for the day....I spend a lot of time just sitting.
The brunnera in my little woodland garden is doing very well....and I'm loving that pop of blue.
And my back yard garden is really coming along. I moved some things around last fall and some others this spring....and everything seems to be thriving. It's been a good spring for plants....an it must have been a good winter too. The
"rock from my garden" I found a few weeks ago while I was thinking of my mom in her rock garden now has a place of prominence. It makes me happy. I'm really enjoying the view from the patio ....when I'm just sitting.

Two of my favorite hosta....the corkscrew and mouse ears are happy and healthy.

The pots at my front door are planted....and I look forward to the day when friends and family are welcome. I love this little porcelain sign given to me from Margie years and years ago. There are a few others I have in Lexington.
The flowering trees in our condo complex are out in full force....and sometimes when I'm not working or sitting....I'm walking...soaking them all in.
I am trying to sew just a little bit every day to continue my creative daily practice....and I'm playing around with something totally new that I'll share in a few days.

I also may be totally rethinking how I use the squares I've made so far....let's just say I'm looking at it from all different angles and possibilities. More on that later too. For now it's mostly about gardens....and just sitting.
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