"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Friday, April 26, 2024

Color Memory

One of the places my color journey took me to this week was to the graffiti wall along a walkway between Casco Bay and Portland's Water Treatment Plant. I hadn't been there for years....and I was glad to have the nudge. 

It's a stretch where graffiti artists are encouraged to express themselves....and it's constantly changing. 

It took me back to 2013 when one local artist did a painting in honor of my oldest son Nate when he was going through treatment for cancer.

His friends and family did have his back....

and Nate has been cancer free ever since. 

Feeling joy...with this color memory.


  1. MaryAnn, so glad you got nudged to revisit the graffiti wall. Fun for us to see pix of the vibant colorful self-expression there, and touching to know that one artist created a graffiti painting to honor Nate when he was undergoing cancer treatment—from which he has now been blessedly free for over a decade ❤️

    I had my little eye open today but did not spy any unexpected color, but I sure did take in color of all sorts everywhere I looked, colors my spirit has been longing to see since this time last year : )

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comments Dotty. We are so blessed that Nate continues to do well.

      Let's all keep our eyes open....for the welcome colors of the season...and that surprise in an unexpected place.

  2. What a warm memory when related to your son. 👍🏻. We enjoyed several buildings in Lisbon, Portugal, that had beautiful graffiti allowed and encouraged as artwork for old buildings that owners wanted to keep viable until they could afford to renovate and restore. My little hometown also sponsors building artwork each year but with mostly less refined work.

    1. Thanks Louise! Don't you just love when cities and towns make room for art expression like this! Thanks for sharing your story.
