Overnight and during the day today we go about 15 inches of snow here in Maine. Here are a couple of brave neighbors I spotted out our kitchen window.....I didn't put even one toe outside today.
I appreciate all the emails and kind words of support after my milestone post yesterday...I'm feeling the love! And go figure.....just this morning another image from the blog popped up in my Pinterest feed....this overly embellished leaf inspired piece I did after the Swirls of Color class.
I wrote about my process here:
https://joyfulputtering.blogspot.com/2020/07/learning-curve.htmlThis piece is knocking around the studio somewhere....and as soon as I find it I'm going to finish it find it a home.
There's a LOT going on here.
But I like this similar, but simpler wool piece even better.
Although there is some hand stitching in both pieces...most of the
stitches are decorative stitches on my machine. Even some of the coaching is done by machine.
Now I'm thinking there are parts I can do on my machine while my thumb is healing.
I came across this sheer curtain piece I painted a while back....then machine stitched some texture into it with my machine. I do love this little back and forth knotty stitch.....and I think I could use this technique on my piece in a few places.
So happy I can be a part of this blog- by being a reader! I just love the rainbow swirls- so much color and texture- what more could you want? Looks like your sewing machine has a lot of great decorative stitches. The snow is so pretty- but I think that's enough now :) Be kind to your thumb!
I'm so glad you're here too! You've been so supportive and your comments have been so uplifting! Have we chatted by email? I would love to know more about you......but no pressure. Have a great day! And thanks for following along and reaching out!