"You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life."
Mary Oliver (thanks Linda)
Like I said yesterday this little quilt was practice....it has several issues and I relearned valuable lessons about topstitching and binding. First of all I need more variety in the topstitching. All the patterns in this piece are too similar in kind and scale. I also need to be more thoughtful about when and how I use variegated thread....I'm not sure I like it on the dark blue. Basically I just need to plan a little better and that's always a challenge for this "just wing it" gal.
I wanted to mount this one on an 8 by10 black canvas. I intended to do a borderless binding but when I trimmed the quilt down I forgot to leave the allowance that has to roll...or turn to the back. Oops!

I won't point out all the other flaws and issues but just move on and try and remember the lessons learned for the next time. It's not actually attached to the canvas yet....so maybe I'll give it another go. And who knows....maybe it will grow on me.