"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

"Good Noticer"

Margie shared this "awareness story" with me a few days ago....it warmed my heart.

When my nephew Langston was young Margie spent a lot of time reading to him and one of the books was Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. 

One day she was reading it to him and he pointed out that the names of the ducks were in alphabetical order.  She was tickled and told him that she had never noticed that before.  "I'm a good noticer" he replied without hesitation.

Langston is still a good noticer and has take up photography....I'm striving to be one too!

Paul just gave me a new copy of this book for Christmas...it's a gem!

McCloskey's Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack on the 
Boston Common all ready for the Women's March January 21st 2017.

Here's Langston and a few of the things he's noticed recently.


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