"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Where Mom Was

I was inspired by yesterdays Creative Jump Start video. Artist Birgit Koopsen used an interesting paint technique to create a whimsical polka dot collage. I loved her art piece and her story about knowing she was home when she saw her cat waiting for her in the window.

During the summers while I was home from college I worked at a supper club as a waitress and would drive home late at night on the dark country roads.  There was a point when I came over the hill on Gibbs Lake Road when I could see the yard light....I was almost home.

My heart would melt just a little when I also saw the light on in the corner of the dining room.  That was my mom's spot... with a stationary rocker, big baskets of books and magazines, and treats tucked in little hiding places.  When that light was on I knew she waited up for me....eager to help me count my tips.

"Home was where my mom was."

I intend this to be a double page but I was intimidated by the lettering.....that's usually where I mess it up. I stopped after "HOME" and added the rest digitally for the picture above and will finish it up when I have a little more practice....or nerve.  


  1. It's a beautiful page and a lovely memory!

    1. Thank you so much anja! I thought this technique was fun and look forward to trying it again.

  2. What a sweet memory. You have honored it and represented it beautifully! I understand being intimidated by the lettering, but I hope you will finish it and re-post the final result. I loved the technique of one of the artists of using tissue paper as a base, so then if you mess up, it can be redone before adhering it. I don't know if that would work for you for this, but it's something I'm keeping in my little brain. Sorry, but I can't remember which artist did this at the moment.

    1. Thanks for your comment and feedback Janet.....it's very much appreciated. It was this same artist that did the tissue technique and I thought it was brilliant. That's how I did "HOME" but my stamp pad was not permanent ink so it started to bleed. I'll try it again when I get a new pad. Thanks again!

  3. Your background is beautiful - calm and warm, and the house is terrific..

    1. Thanks Sue....I really appreciate the feedback.
