"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Monday, September 2, 2024

How Will I Know?

Sometimes the magic happens when you stop worrying about how it's going to turn out.

Gretchen alerted me that the wild cucumber at the end of our complex is starting to fruit. They're funky little things...with tons of personality.

Since I first wrote about my stripes project more than a week ago...it has overtaken our dining room table...and everytime I walk by I move a few pieces of fabric around. We mostly eat outside this time of year...so it's not in the way.  

A few days ago Paul asked me how I will know when I'm done.  I said I'll just know....or at least I hope I will. I'm trying not to worry how it will turn out...and just let the magic happen. And if it doesn't happen...that's OK too.

After more than a week of fiddling with stripes....I've decided it needed a few bigger blocks of color to tone it down. The final piece is going to be big...20 inches tall by 40 inches wide...and if it turns out I will wrap that canvas that you see on the back wall.

I've had that canvas landscape print hanging in the living room at the condo ever since we bought the place. I like it....but I don't love it....but the colors and size were just right for the room. So there it's been all these years as a holding place until something better came along.

At one point Paul wanted me to commission a piece from an artist I admire....but I just couldn't spend that much money. I started a batik fabric piece a while back I thought might work....but it just wasn't right. 

That spot is a focal point for the whole downstairs living area...even from the kitchen. So it has to be right....or at least good enough. And when it's right...I'll know. And it's not this piece...there will be another.

So for now I'll keep fiddling...and try and make a little magic with strips of color. 
Here's a wider view of the table...what's not covered in fabric is covered in cyanotype stuff!

At some point I'll share this crazy puzzle I'm working on. Even though I haven't  mentioned puzzles lately...there's always one on the table...and it gets a little attention every single day.


  1. Your home is so wonderfully YOURS—so many stories and mindfully created, selected, or bestowed touches. LOVE the dining table in its current seeming creative chaos, MaryAnn. The way you are approaching your stripes assemblage is brilliant. You'll know.

    1. Thanks Dotty! That's my goal with my home....to be wonderfully mine/ours. Everything has a story.

      And maybe....just maybe the stripes project will turn out....and I'll know.
