"We all need a bit of empty space to clarify and focus the world of possibility ahead." Philippa Stanton,
Conscious Creativity
I love these winter months when I'm tucked inside before the gardens need me. I like to think it's when I can be the most creative in my studio....but that hasn't been the case for a variety of reasons. This has been my time of "empty space"....and puzzles.
BUT....several weeks ago I agreed to do a project for a friend using a photo and programs....
I wrote about it here. At first I thought it was going to be easy but actually found it VERY difficult.

It might have been tough just because I was trying to make something during this time of a creative pause. And...there's pressure when you HAVE to produce something. For every piece that I thought was OK enough to put in one of my shows....I had one or two things I started and abandoned. Nobody knew but me.
After a few missteps with punched squares and lack of ideas and inspiration this would have been one of those projects I would have abandoned....but I wanted to follow through and give her something. So I kept trying.
I collaged a background from the program in an 8 by 10 format. I framed the edges using the image from the program covers and started filling in with words. It took me a while to realize that this was too big....and out of proportion for the photograph so I cut it down to 8 by 8 and it was much better.
I knew it needed more color....and something to ground the bottom so I experimented with a variety of options including papers, other photographs, and even fabric. But the colors in the photograph were so intense that when I tried to match them...it got crazy loud. I was stumped...and frustrated...and just worked on my puzzle.

I finally landed on a
"stripe stack" like I did for the last show using softer versions of the colors in the photo. I mixed papers from catalogs with white word pages from the program. This felt like it could work...or at least be good enough.

So it's almost done and I'm going to be OK enough with it to give it to her. It will be a gift...not a commission and next time I'm asked to do something like this I will just say no...or do it with them not for them. Lesson learned....and all lessons are a good thing.