"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

In Motion

I've got at least a half dozen projects in motion right now.....I'm having trouble keeping them straight.  There are piles all over the studio...and it would probably be a good idea to focus on just one...or even two.  But that's not Wanda's way.

If that last line doesn't make sense....you can read this post.  The whole quote about Wanda's way is at the end of the link.  For better or worse....Wanda's way...is my way: https://joyfulputtering.blogspot.com/2023/03/mediocrity.html

More common ground with Wanda:

There are a few things finished...or nearly finished.  I made a little tag from a pan pastel print. It was a simple circular design that I didn't necessarily love....but once I added the white swirl everything changed.

I added asemic writing around the edge with a paint pen.  I know what I was thinking when I wrote it...but it's unreadable.  

The back is commercial paper that I tinted with pan pastels....getting good use out of Roseanne's gift. There's a lot on my mind.

I couldn't get this idea out of my head until I tried...and it's one of the things in progress. It may end up in the art journal.....I think it could be pretty cool with a quote along these lines.

I stitched strips of the pan pastel prints together on thin interfacing using decorative stitches on my machine.  Then I filled in some of the spaces in the stitching with white paint. 


I love these little bottles with the pins.....you can get a nice dimensional dot of paint with them....and great swirls.

I keep Art Glitter Glue in one (new favorite)...and slightly diluted white paint in the other.  I had to add the washi tape around the glue...because I've gotten them mixed up before.  These bottles are easy to squeeze and they don't clog....very often.

You can see in the background of the bottle photos that I have a heart project going on too.

I've got an idea in motion that's got me playing around with all kinds of hearts. More on that soon...ish.


  1. MaryAnn, you are indeed IN MOTION. You go, girl! SO much to feast my eyes and creative heart on here. I am dazzled.

    I read Broken For You 20 years ago; I've now added it to my current to-read list as a REread : )

    For the record, Wanda's way seems to be my way also.

    1. I have a feeling my way is a little more chaotic than your way.....but I do think we share liking several things in motion. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

  2. I came across this tutorial for a puffy heart, similar idea to the stars.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFmXz-XRzqE
    Thought of you immediately.

    1. Thanks Elle! I haven't seen these but may give them a try sometime. Right now...I still not sure my thumbs can do that kind of work yet.
