"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Monday, September 18, 2023


This Crystals puzzle was another quick one....but oh so satisfying. Margie did it first....and I know she liked it too.  I started with the purples and blues....and once those were in place one color and one crystal easily led to the next.  There was immediate gratification every time I sat down.

This was the moment I connected the top to the bottom...
and created another path at an angle.

One of things I love about this this kind of puzzle is looking for the pieces with tiny smidgens of color. When you pick one up you know exactly where it goes.   

I love the word smidgen....and I've been thinking about it all day.  I'm a bit preoccupied with a variety of things health and home related these days so a delightful smidgen of anything needs to be celebrated.  

Look at these satisfying little smidgens of color!
Almost every leafy green piece I was left with at the end had a smidgen of something making it easy to place.  A smidgen of pink on the left...and blue on the right.

And I did a smidgen of art assemblage today....and added my first stitched floral doodle to my art journal.  I think it pairs well with the flower doodle cutouts.
Some days all you need is a smidgen of joy!


  1. The word smidgen is a terrific one, and I love that you gave us photographic evidence of telltale smidgens of color on two of the many leafy green jigsaw puzzle pieces.

    The smidgen-of-joy spread in your art journal lets us see how well they pair and, within that pairing, showcases contrasts between the two pages; on the left, curves, softnesses, freeform splatters; on the right, sharp points and rectilinear piecework.

    1. It IS a great word! Thanks for the vote of confidence on the pairing of the two art journal pages. I think they contrast....and compliment! Thanks Dotty!

  2. I hope you find more than just a smidgen of joy today.

    1. Thanks Kathy! I always do! I hope you find a big heaping pile!!!
