"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Practicing Patience

A year ago today I was in Colorado helping Paul's sisters with their house projects....and I took this photo on an walk in their neighborhood. I have always love the bright blue of juniper berries.

Patience does not always come easy for me.  I sometimes get anxious...but mostly I excited ....and rushing into things doesn't always work in my favor.  

When I got home from my trip I was pretty excited to get to work on my exchange cards.  I had some pieces and parts done...and want to start cutting and assembling.  Even though I wore my brace....I set things back a bit with my thumb. Now it hurts in a whole different place making it hard to do almost everything including brushing my teeth.

Lucky for me....there are still plenty things I can do that don't require my thumb. I can still visit....and walk....and read....and notice...and reminisce.

I was celebrating Seed Season a year ago too!  


  1. Oh, I hope your thumb is soon back in fine fettle, MaryAnn!

    Beautiful photo of juniper berries. I love their blue, also. We have a juniper in our yard, and you've reminded me I might want to snip some sprigs for indoor joy.

    I thought of you earlier this week when I spied and then collected seed pods from a honey locust in a nearby neighborhood. I've created a very pleasing bouquet of them for our dining table. Will send a photo.

    1. Thanks Dotty! I'm going to be on the lookout for a local juniper....there is something about seeing that color in person. And I love your idea of bringing some in for "indoor joy." And the seed pods as a bouquet is brilliant!!! Thanks for sending the photo.

  2. Learning to brush your teeth left-handed-it's a challenge but it does seem to work the brain a bit. Hope the thumb is getting better. The juniper branch and berries pic is so pretty.

    1. Well that's looking on the bright side.....I'm working my brain trying to do things with my left hand! Thanks for that perspective Kathy!
