"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Thursday, November 30, 2023

It's a Start

The pond is starting to freeze....

and the icy patterns looked like lace in the morning light.


The most important thing I did today was start getting Margie set up for Christmas. We packed away all her fall things....and pulled out the Christmas boxes.

This is the first Christmas in her new place....so we've having to reimagine where things will go. I've got some homework to do for a few of the spaces...but it's a good start.  

And she's getting a jump start on the first window for her new Advent puzzle

There are 50 tiny little pieces in each puzzle...so it it's going to be a challenge...and it's going to be fun watching it evolve.

At my house....the tree is in the stand and the Christmas boxes are stacked up in the living room.  I'm not in any hurry....so I'll enjoy slow decorating over the next week or so.  But I did get a little start and set up one of my favorite little vignettes.

I adore this sweet little caroler along with this fabulous candle holder with a battery operated candle from my friend Jane.  

I love the quiet simplicity of it....and it's perfect on my upright desk.

I started with the morning light on the pond.....

and I'm ending with the evening light in the woods.  Light....and lights are my favorite things this time of year.


  1. That vignette on your upright desk is SO appealing, MaryAnn.

    I can identify with the reimagining needed in Margie's new digs as you and she decorate for December. This is the first Christmas in our newly renovated family room and we are having to do similar reimagining—we hadn't taken holiday decorations into account as we made our renovation decisions!

    We purchased a plain green wreath today and a bow to bedeck it. We'll have to wait a few days for my red (vinyl) berry garlands order to arrive before I can pull all the pieces together : )

    1. Thanks Dotty! I do love this little moment.

      It's fun having a space to reimagine for the holidays....I hope you enjoy the process in your family room. And I would love to see your finished wreath! Yay!
