"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic...the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone." Charles de Lint

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"Just Do Something!"

I borrowed the title of this post from my artist friend Dotty....a loyal blog reader and robust cheerleader. She is a constant source of inspiration...and her almost daily witty comments and thoughtful observations about my joyful puttering help propel me forward. 

Yesterday's bookmark post triggered a memory for Dotty that she shared with me....and it blew me away. Dotty loves bookmarks....and frequently cuts up art pieces and turns them into bookmarks. And she loves to pair particular art bookmarks with particular books she is reading. All of that makes me smile.

I am the proud owner of one of Dotty's bookmarks cut from one of her art pieces....and you can see it here: https://joyfulputtering.blogspot.com/2023/06/colorful-mail.html

This is Scrappy!
At one point back in 2016 when Dotty was stuck on what to do with an art piece she named "Scrappy"....AND when she was thinking about her cousins who had lost their mom....she was inspired to stop waiting for an assignment on ways to be helpful to them.....and just do something

So she cut up Scrappy...and one by one transformed the parts of the whole into beautiful bookmarks she called paper prayers for her cousins. There is no way my description captures the heart and soul of her post...so I encourage you to read it for yourself. 

Her story starts here: https://dottyseiter.blogspot.com/2016/03/agglutination.html......and if you click "newer post" way at the bottom after the comments...you can read about all of these precious paper prayers. There are 4 posts total.

The whole notion of a paper prayers....and the conviction to just do something....is just what I needed to hear today.  Thank you so much Dotty!

Dotty's current blog called "dotty seiter: now playing, diary of an artist at play" can be found here:



  1. Well, SHAZAM, MaryAnn! Thank you for blowing my horn, and for the ongoing energizing back-and-forth we share with our artplay at its heart ❤️

    One of the ironies of someone else's floating my art and words back to me, as you've done here, is that, I, too, can be inspired and invigorated by them. That reminder to JUST DO SOMETHING is so vital.

    Love that closing photo : )

    1. I love the back and forth art play too! Good energy indeed! And isn't it nice when our own art can inspire us! Let's do something!

      And I do love the first signs of the changing of the seasons with that closing photo. Nature's art!
